
Friday, December 30, 2011

holy guacamole!

not only could i eat mexican food for every meal, but i'm pretty sure that guacamole was the greatest invention EVER (besides the straitening iron - PTL!)

so, in honor of the upcoming SUPERBOWL.... i thought i would share how i make my favorite dip!

it's so stinkin' easy!

3 avocados, peeled, pitted, mashed
2 limes
1/2 cup diced onion
2 roma tomatoes, diced
1 clove crushed garlic
1 pinch cayenne pepper

optional: 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro
(i don't put this in because i gag at the smell of cilantro...
but maybe you love it :) so, to each their own!)

throw all the ingredient in a bowl (except lime and salt)
squeeze in lime juice and sprinkle with salt until it tastes perfect!

me? i like it very lime-y and very salty.
but this is a perfect way to tailor it to exactly the way you like it.

also. no guac is complete without the perfect chip. my recommendation? juanita's!
(you can find them at any local grocery store) and you'll never eat another tostito again!



  1. I'm getting hungry reading your blog. I love those chips too. Bought them by accident one day and haven't bought anything else since. :)

  2. haha! :) i know - they're the best!! :)
