
Thursday, February 23, 2012

cream puffers

one of my favorite people turned 30 this weekend!
my dear friend emily woo, who just moved to capetown last month
is the most amazing woman, cook, and friend :)

in honor of her bday, and to make her feel a little closer to home,
i decided to make some delicious homemade cream puffs.

(recipe courtesy of all recipes)
(makes 10 medium cream puffers)

puff ingredients
1 cup water
½ cup butter
1 cup flour
¼ teaspoon salt
4 eggs

filling ingredients
2 - 3.5 oz. package vanilla instant pudding
1 cup milk
2 cups heavy cream


1. preheat oven to 425 degrees

2. mix together pudding, cream and milk,
pour into a large ziploc bag and chill in the refridgerator until needed

3. in a medium pot, bring water, butter, and salt to a boil
stir in flour until the mixture forms a ball
(i used a wooden spoon, and cooked it for another minute after the ball had formed)

4. important: let cool for 10 minutes

5. add eggs one at a time, mixing feircely with your wooden spoon

6. drop about 1/4 cup onto ungreased baking sheet

7. bake for 20ish minutes

8. important: use a toothpick to poke a little hole in the side of the puff
to let the steam escape while cooling.
remove from baking pan and let cool on a wire rack...
this will ensure your puffers don't get soggy.

9. after the puffs have cooled, cut a little slit in one of the side...
they all have their own personality, so location can vary :)

10. now for the filling...
cut a small 3/4" section off the corner of your ziploc bag
squeeze into the puff until full

VIOLA! perfect cream puffers! :)

happy birthday emmy!!!


  1. Yay!! I made it on your blog, LOVE U

  2. I love Cape Town! Even though I've only been there once, I still think of it as one of my favourite cities in the world..

    Happy Birthday Emily :)

    1. ess! love that you love capetown! me too! :)
