
Sunday, January 8, 2012

sangria, sangria!

not only could i eat mexican food for every meal,
BUT i love a great red sangria.

and this summer i learned to make a super easy homemade version. perf.

1 cup brandy
1/2 cup lemon juice (fresh squeezed)
1 can frozen lemonade concentrate
2/3 cup orange juice
2 bottles dry red wine
1 cup triple sec
1 lemon sliced into rounds
1 lime sliced into rounds
1 orange sliced into rounds
maraschino cherries
diet 7-up (optional)

1. find cute pitcher/container. i've found that this size is perfect for this recipe.
(this is actually a double recipe, but i've found it's perfect for this size container
AND it always go so fast at parties. you'll want more than originally planned!)

2. throw all the ingredients in the pitcher, stir

3. chill in the fridge for 24 hours.
(this is maybe the most important step of the entire recipe!
this allows all the flavors to really seep together.
if you try it right after you mix all the ingredients together,
you'll think this is the worst sangria recipe ever. just trust me on this one!) :)

4. enjoy over ice!


  1. This looks awesome. I am totally going to try this!
