
Friday, February 10, 2012

party animal

top ten tips for throwing a great party.
(based on a true story of our valentine's day party.
it was awesome. in my humble opinion.)

1. have a great location.
rooftops was delightful :)

2. have great snacks.
plan for food that's appropriate based on the time of your party.
example, will people have already eaten dinner?
if not, be sure to have substantial amounts of food to fill their hungry bellies.

3. have mouth watering desserts!
sweetheart cupcakes, pink layer cake,
chocolate from theo, and chocolate covered strawberries

4. lots of bevies!
always be sure to have enough drinks to go around.
we started with about 8 bottles of wine and asked everyone to bring one as well.
pitchers of sangria always are a hit,
and don't forget your thirsty designated drivers!

5. decorate with style.
we had large heart balloons, valentine confetti,
and small heart votives around the room.

6. music.
depending on the crowd, you'll want to adjust the volume & playlist. 
(always have dance music on hand in case a spontaneous dance party breaks out!)

7. a theme.
a theme just gives you an excuse to have a party
AND it gives you something to plan and decorate around.
do it.

8. a novelty of sorts.
i found these great cutouts at papersource.
perfect to spice up the party and have some fun :)

9. all your favorite people.
friends, family, neighbors, etc.

{heather & mitchy}


{bradley & christina}

10. a camera!
capture your fab event and remember it for all time :)

happy party planning! :)

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