
Saturday, February 18, 2012

sunday morning at the market

last sunday morning we spent the morning at pike place market.
i've lived in seattle for 8 years, and it never EVER gets old.

for me, it's pure inspiration.

i love the sounds, the smells, the tourists (even though they walk slow)...
the fruit stands, fresh flowers, the views...
the buzz of it all.

and every time we have out of town guests,
i feel like i see it through their eyes.
and fall in love with my city all over again :)

and so... just a few favorites...

1. the fresh fish
yeah it's kind of stinky.
but stand around for a while.
watch the guys work
see them throw fish
it's pretty awesome :)

2. the fresh flowers
(i can't believe it's time for tulips already!)
pick up a bundle
you'll need cash, but you can get a pretty
good size bouquet for about $5 or $10

3. eat some amazing food
my absolute favorite place in the
whole market is le panier
it's a french bakery that is just perfection
everything is delicious, and it's SO adorable.
go. you will not be disappointed!

4. walk down to the park
and get a glimpse of the sound
i can't guarantee you'll have sunshine,
but you'll have a gorgeous view no matter what!


5. the first starbucks
i know what you're thinking...
really christine?
yep, really. i know the line is long.
and i know it's annoying when you get to the counter and they
ask you where you're from, and you have to say.... 'oh... just seattle'
you just gotta do it.

have a great weekend!

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