
Friday, April 13, 2012

new fave chocolate chip cookie

confession: finding the best chocolate chip cookie recipe in the world is on my bucket list
and sometimes i wonder exactly how i will accomplish this.

let me tell you, this week i took one step closer to crossing this off my list :)

i tried this super amazing, super easy, and NEW FAVE recipe
courtesy of one of my fave blogs: not without salt

trust me: these will not disappoint.

1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
6-8 oz dark chocolate, chopped


1. in a small saucepan add the butter and brown sugar.
bring to a boil and simmer until the sugar has dissolved.
watch carefully as you don’t want to scorch the sugar.

i never used to know when my sugar was dissolved all the way.
TIP: rub a small amount between your fingers...
if you can still feel some granules, then it's not done dissolving! :)

2. let this mixture cool slightly then add to a
large mixing bowl and continue to cool for 20 minutes.

3. once cooled add the eggs and vanilla then stir to combine.
stir in the salt, flour and baking powder.
with a few streaks of flour remaining add the chocolate.
if the mixture is still warm some bits of the chocolate may melt. 

4. place the bowl in the fridge and let chill for 30 minutes.
preheat your over to 350 degrees.
line a sheet tray with parchment and set aside.

TIP: you have GOT to try this cookie dough.
i think it's the best cookie dough i've ever had. for real.

5. scoop the batter into tablespoon-size rounds and place on the sheet tray.
bake for 12 minutes until golden around the rims.
let the cookies cool on the tray for five minutes while they
settle into themselves creating a crackly crust.
finish cooling on a wire rack.

accidentally drop all your cookies on the floor like this:

OPSIES! (i am hilarious) :)


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