
Saturday, June 30, 2012

leek and gruyere frittata

a word about weddings & tradition... :)

i've had a lot of time to think about weddings recently,
as all my friends and family are tying the knot.

if you know me, i love tradition.
i love routine and i love doing the same things every year with the ones i love.
example: those things you always do at christmastime.
be it viewing the neighborhood lights,
watching the same movie,
or decorating christmas cookies.
i love love love that!

some traditions, however, should be rethought.

here are my current two for thought:
1. the purpose of the bridal party and who qualifies
2. your bachelor & bachelorette parties

my thoughts on who should be in the bridal party...
*sisters/brothers & future sisters/brothers in law are a no brainer
*friends that you know you'll be friends with for the rest of your life
*please no random or new friends
*as many or as few as you want
*no, there doesn't need to be the exact same number of boys and girls

my thoughts on the bachelor/bachelorette party...
*the fact that you are celebrating a last night of singleness
totally defeats the purpose of why you are getting married in the first place
*be excited to get married
*think about a JOINT party
*celebrate together with ALL your girl and guy friends that you're about to tie the knot
*no raunchy antics please. we're classier than that.

cheers :)

1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 large leek, thinly sliced
kosher salt
6 large eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup gruyere cheese


1. preheat oven to 375 degrees

2. heat butter and olive oil over medium heat in a 10" cast-iron skillet.
saute leek slices until soft and jest barely browned, 6-8 minutes.
season with plenty of salt and pepper.

3. meanwhile, beat eggs and milk to combine in a mixing bowl.
pour over the leek slices. sprinkle the top with cheese.
let it cook for about 5 minutes, or until just set on the edges
(it will still be very runny in the middle)

4. stick it in the oven for exactly 8 minutes, it should be just set throughout.

5. enjoy!!

 the frittata is my new go-to in the kitchen.
perfect for a healthy and super easy breakfast.
you can use this basic recipe and change up the
ingredients based on whatever is in the fridge.


have a great saturday! :)

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