
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

macrina bakery

this past weekend i had a morning all to myself.
i don't know about you, but sometimes i like to explore.
and recently i've been drawn to my old favorites places.

so macrina bakery it was :)

i think i first discovered macrina in college with one of my favorite people.
we used to hike up queen anne hill to drool over the gorgeous houses
and pick up a perfectly roasted espresso and a scone.

then, somewhere along the way i met the most amazing woman.
she was almost 30 years my senior, and lived down in california.
she was the mother of one of my classmates
and practically adopted me as her own daughter.
she would send emails of encouragement,
and never missed a holiday or a birthday
without something arriving at my doorstep.

she also loved macrina :)

and when she would visit seattle i distinctly remember
how she would recreate their 'rocket muffins' by the dozens
and freeze them for us to enjoy during our long weeks of studying.

a number of holidays later, she gave me a gift.

and you know what?
i haven't thought about that lady or that cookbook in quite sometime.

it's good to go back to those old places sometimes.
just to think back on old seasons of life.

i think i'm going to pull out that cookbook again.
and write a thank you note to that woman :)

1 comment:

  1. love this little post. love macrina. love you. :)
