
Monday, August 27, 2012

whole fruit margarita

yesterday while packing with my lovely mother at about 2pm...

my mother: i'm afraid that i'll need a glass of wine earlier
than you probably think is appropriate

me: is now a good time to tell you that yesterday
i poured a glass of wine at 12:30pm?

my mother: perfect. you can pour me a glass now then :)

now i know where i get it from!
i am my mother's daughter.
that is for sure.

recipe via vitamix
(although i have no such thing)

makes 8 cups.
i cut my recipe in half.

1/4 water
6 oz tequila
2 oz grand marnier or triple sec
1 orange, peeled, halved
1 lime, peeled, halved
1 lemon, peeled, halved, seeded
1/4 cup & 2 tablespoons sugar
6 cups ice cubes


1. place all ingredients in your blender.

2. blend until smooth.

3. pour into a salt rimmed glass & enjoy :)

GREAT margarita recipe!
i'm not even usually a fan of a blended margarita.
but this was perfect for a hot day.
hard not to slurp it all down in 5 minutes. YUM.

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