
Thursday, October 4, 2012

broccoli cream pesto

have i told you how much i dislike the fact
 that our space needle is painted orange right now?
what's worse is that we are now having a contest 
where designers created new looks for the top of the needle, 
and you get to vote for them. 
the winning design will be displayed for the next 6 months.

what i don't understand is why white/silver can't be one of the choices?
i mean, seriously. i'm disappointed in you, seattle!
all these options are terrible!

recipe via smitten kitchen

1/2 pound broccoli
1/2 pound dried or fresh spaghetti
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 small onion, chopped
1-2 cloves garlic
1/2 teaspoon salt
fresh black pepper or red pepper flakes
4 tablespoons heavy cream
a heap of grated parmesan


1. remove broccoli florets from stems and chop into medium florets.
steam broccoli over a pot of boiling water until just tender.

2. add pasta to the boiling water and cook until just done.
before draining pasta, reserve a cup of pasta cooking water and set aside.

3. meanwhile, melt butter and olive oil together over medium heat.
add onion and reduce to medium-low, sauteing until tender, about 7 minutes.
add garlic and cook for another 2 minutes.
add steamed broccoli, salt and red or black pepper.
turn the heat back up to medium-high, cooking for a few additional minutes.
pour cream over mixture and let cook 30 seconds.

4. transfer broccoli mixture and all the creamy bits
to a blender or food processor and blend in short bursts
until it's finely chopped and a little saucy.
salt and pepper to taste.
(feel free to add some pasta water the mixture seems dry)

5. add broccoli sauce back to pot and mix with the spaghetti,
tossing mixture so that it coats evenly.

(okay - mine got a bit over blended - but still good) :)

6. top with parmesan and a few more red pepper flakes.
enjoy! :)

 a couple of notes about this dish:
1. i love anything with garlic, veggies, and red pepper flakes
2. this was super easy and would be a great base for any combination or meal
3. you can spice up or reel back the flavors as your heart desires.


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