
Monday, November 26, 2012

the top ten things i learned in my twenties...

1. surround yourself with the most amazing people you can find.
ones who are passionate, thoughtful, and generous.
friends really are the JOY of life.
it's about quality not quantity.

2. your worth is not determined by your accomplishments.
you are worth far far more than anything you will ever achieve.
ribbons, trophies and promotions aren't WHO you are.

3. the best is yet to come.
the best days are truly ahead of you and not behind you.

4. family is everything.
make your family a priority.
celebrate birthdays, send christmas cards, do life together.
friends may come and go, but family is forever.

5. travel is a marvelous thing that lets you see
and experience things you will never forget.
travel has been one of the greatest gifts i've ever been given.
travel as much as you possibly can.

6. do something that makes you happy.
both personally and professionally.
even if it's not the coolest, sexiest or most popular thing.
it will bring you JOY and will make your days worth living.

7. generosity is a lifestyle.
be generous with your words, your time and your money.
build people up, don't tear them down.
you don't have to be rich to be generous.

8. happy girls are the prettiest girls ~audrey hepburn
don't take life to seriously! laugh at yourself!
put a smile on your face and let loose a bit!

9. step out in faith.
go on an adventure. try something new.
passionately pursue your dreams.
you have nothing to lose.

10. a smooth sea never made a skillful sailor. ~franklin d. roosevelt
trials and tribulations and surprises WILL come along the way.
embrace these! look at them as opportunities...
to become a better person, learn a lesson,
have a second chance, and ultimately to step
into the better days that are ahead of you.


  1. You said this absolutely BRILLIANTLY!

    1. thank nancy! i hope you're having a wonderful holiday season :)
