
Sunday, December 9, 2012

holiday cider punch

when i bake cookies, my place is total chaos.
first of all, flour and sugar somehow end up everywhere
(including all over the floor and my inevitably black workout pants)

and i never bake just one batch of cookies.
it always seems like i'm doubling the recipe,
or also making 3 other versions at the same time.

all this to say... 
if you're anything like me
you need a cocktail while you're in the kitchen :)

this is the perfect holiday beverage for the busy cook!
why? it's easy, festive and oh so refreshing!

enjoy :)

recipe via not without salt

spiced rum
apple cider
bitters, optional

*this can be served hot or cold... 
i make the cold version as my apartment
 is always 100 degrees while baking cookies,
but feel free to heat your cider first as well for a cozy cocktail :)


1. fill glass with ice and desired amount of rum (1-2 shots)
add cider in a 1:4 ratio to your rum.
sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg
garnish with apple slices and bitters (if desired)

2. enjoy!

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