
Thursday, April 23, 2015

easy cucumber feta appetizer

because i love to cook
AND i'm slow in the kitchen
B and I often eat dinner post 8pm.

the problem is that both of us are hungry at 6pm.
coming up with easy appetizers has been a lifesaver for those days 
i want to cook for hours before putting dinner on the table.

these are my new faves, and SUCH a versatile little snack.
(we actually ate so many of these we weren't hungry until 10pm. LOL!)

recipe inspiration via bitedelite

2 cucumbers
3 oz fresh feta
2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped
salt and pepper


there are two ways to make this delicious snack,
either in a boat style, where you scoop out the middle of the cucumber and fill it with goodies 
OR slice the cucumber like a little cracker and place the goodies on top (pictured above). 
i've made this snack both ways and thoroughly enjoy both. you pick your poison :)

for the boat style...

1. cut cucumber legnthwise and remove the seeds.
cut a small strip off the bottom of the cucumber half so it will sit level.

2. use the other half of the cucumber and dice into 1/4 peices.
combine diced cucumber with feta cheese, basil and salt and pepper to taste.
fill cucumber boats with the mixtures and sprinkle with more pepper.

for the cracker style...

1. slice 3/4 of one full cucumber into thin slices
(not too thin - you want them to be easy to pick up!)

2. continue with step #2 from above...
placing the mixture on top of your cucumber slices to serve.

3. enjoy!

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