
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

cauliflower pizza crust

most people know that i like to cook. they also maybe have the misconception 
that i'm trying a new recipe almost every night of the week. the truth is that 
roughly half of the week i'm trying at least one new thing in the kitchen... 
be it an appetizer, main course, cocktail or dessert. while the other days 
we're either grabbing take-out or making one of our favorite go-to recipes. 
take out for us really only consists of pizza from PCC or thai food. 

while the pizza we buy isn't super unhealthy (it's thin-crust, etc),
i wanted to try my hand a home-made 'dough' that could cut the carbs.
voila, cauliflower pizza crust to the rescue!

trust me, this isn't as weird as it sounds. 
in fact, i'm thinking you'll love it as much as we did!

the only caveat i have on this is it took me a few times to perfect the recipe a bit, so don't 
give up if you have a bad first experience! i've also added some notes and tips below :)

1 large head of cauliflower, florets only, approximately 3 cups
3/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons almond flour
2 eggs
1 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
desired toppings for your pizza


1. preheat oven to 450 degrees. line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 
add cauliflower florets to the powerful blender or food processor and blend until smooth. 
don't over-process, blend just until there are no big visible pieces.

2. place the pulsed cauliflower in the middle of a clean dish towel. 
wrap it up and squeeze as much moisture out of it as you can. 
there will be a lot! open the towel and place the cauliflower in mixing bowl.

squeezing the moisture out of the cauliflower in a towel was a bit cumbersome and messy for me.
the second time i made the recipe, i actually went ahead and spread the ground up cauliflower 
on the baking sheet and baked it in the oven for roughly 15 minutes, stirring frequently, 
to get the moisture out. just a tip that worked well for me!

3. add cheese, flour, egg and spices, and mid together. combine mixture into a ball.

4. with your hands, flatten dough into an even crust on the baking sheet. 
bake for 20-25 minutes until it starts to brown.

be sure you are using parchment paper and nothing else. 
neither foil OR a greased pan worked for me!

5. remove from heat, add your sauce, toppings and place back in the oven until done 
(usually when cheese is melty and starts to brown)

we added store bought pizza sauce, mozzarella, pepperoni, mushrooms, 
sun-dried tomatoes, and then topped with basil once it came out of the oven.

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