
Thursday, June 25, 2015

DIY: sunglass pinboard

i have this problem where i lose and break sunglasses all the time. just the moment 
i decide to finally invest in a nice pair, i lose them, forcing me to go back to my $10 ones!

for those of you who have this same problem, i have found a solution that will help (at least a little)!

a do-it-yourself sunglass pinboard. for keeping your sunnies safe and sound and all in one place.

total time: 10-15 minutes

what you'll need
pinboard, any size or style
pretty paper (if desired)
there are great options at paper source
pushpins (cute or simple will work)
your collection of sunglasses


1. first, assemble all the supplies you'll need.

2. lay out your sunglasses on the pinboard to get a feel for how they'll all fit.
for example, do you want the pinboard to sit horizontally or vertically?

3. measure out your cute paper (if using) and fit to the corkboard section of your board.
mine slipped right under the edge of frame, holding it in place.
if yours doesn't stay in place, no worries. the pins we'll put in later will help.

4. measure out your wire to stretch across your board, allowing 4-6" extra inches to work
with on either side. twist the wire around the push pin tightly and then trim off ends. 
measure it across the board again, in your desired location, and do the same for the second pushpin. stretch the wire across the board and secure the pins in place. you'll want the wire to be taut.

5. repeat step four until you have all the wires in place.
i laid out my sunglasses again after i had the first wire in place 
to be sure i had the right amount of room between my two wires.

6. feel free to put your sunnies in place while the corkboard 
is still laying flat and then move to desired location.

7. feel free to rotate out seasonally appropriate paper patterns 
or place pins replace sunnies with jewelry of all kinds.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Although I think that's more sunglasses than I have owned in my entire life!! lol! Love the board though!
