
Friday, June 12, 2015

the green smoothie for people who don't like green smoothies

i've tried my fair share of green smoothies over the years,
and even though i love their nutritional value, i've never loved the taste!
they're either too thick, too pungent, or just packed with too many sugary fruits.

if you don't like green smoothies promise me you'll try just one more recipe!!!

this is the perfect green smoothie for you non-green-smoothie-lovers like me.

seriously. absolutely worth a try.

makes 1 big servings, or 2 small servings

1 cup frozen bluberries
1/2 avocado
1/2 banana
3 large handfuls spinach


1. add banana, spinach, blueberries, avocado, and water to blender. 
blend first, then add ice and continue to blend until smooth.

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