
Wednesday, September 9, 2015


our trip to paris was short and sweet. we'd both been a number of times before, but couldn't help 
wanting to go back, even just briefly, to experience it again together. ben had never been out to 
versailles, so that was top of my list. the last time i had been was when i was 16 or so, and i was 
hoping it was just as magical as i had remembered it in my head. it was one of our longest 
days on the trip (walking over 15 miles!) but well worth it.

we made a full day of it, leaving paris by 7am, and not getting back until almost 6pm. we started with the palace, a must - even if you don't like museums. we then strolled through the gardens, grabbed a 
picnic lunch, and then headed out to the trianon and the hamlet (subsequent estates built by 
royalty). i mean, the grounds are just massive and so elaborate. the grand and the petit trianon were 
actually somewhat refreshing after seeing the magnitude of the palace. we also wandered through the 
gardens and countryside until we stumbled upon marie antoinette's estate. it was just lovely. 
a royal version of what peasant life would have looked like. super charming. and finally, 
we had planned to be in versailles for 'fountain day' which is somewhat of a spectacle. 
all the fountains around the grounds turn on a number of times throughout the day putting 
on lovely shows alongside classical music blaring in every corner of the park. 
it really was fun! even if my feet did hurt by the end of the day! :)

the palace...

my handsome tour guide

hall of mirrors - my fave room

the gardens, part 1

modern art distortion...

the orangerie

the manicuring is ridiculous!

looking back at the palace

the grand canal

the grand trianon

strolling through the gardens

temple of love

marie antoinette's estate aka 'hamlet'

now for the fountains :)

ben loved it :)

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are fantastic! Versailles is one of my favorite places in Paris as well! Have been a couple of times with my man and we both can't get enough of it's beauty. So glad you got to show your man it's splendor! It really is a magnificent, magical and romantic place! Glad you had fun! Can't wait to see your other pics!
