
Thursday, July 5, 2012

avacado toast

good morning! how were your 4th of july celebrations?
i'll post a recap of mine TOMORROW :)

one of my favorite things is an super easy appetizer i like to call avocado toast.

these totally make my day every time :)

fresh whole grain bread
olive oil
1 garlic clove
sea salt
red pepper flakes
1 avocado


1. slice up your bread, drizzle it with olive oil and toast in the oven or on the grill.
i usually do mine in the broiler and pull it out after about 5 minutes.

2. slice a garlic clove and rub it over the toast
note: this actually gives a surprisingly strong garlic flavor -
go gently if you don't love garlic as much as me :)

3. meanwhile, mashup your avocado in a bowl,
then spread across your toast. sprinkle with sea salt and pepper flakes.

4. eat your heart out! :)

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